West Liberty Business Association August Spotlight - Project Teddy Bear & Friends
Business Name
Project Teddy Bear & Friends Non-Profit
Owner(s) Name
Rev. Tami Wenger
Phone Number
[email protected]
8908 US Hwy 68 N
West Liberty, Ohio 43357
1. When did Project Teddy Bear & Friends begin?
2. How did you start Project Teddy Bear & Friends?
I was picking out a stuffed animal for my Grandies for Christmas at a thrift store, and I wondered if I could do something similar by giving donated stuffed animals away instead of charging for them.
3. Why did you start Project Teddy Bear & Friends?
To help others by helping them get through a rough time and cheering someone up. It's like giving them a hug! We are changing the world one teddy bear hug at a time!
4. What’s something unique about your organization that others might not know?
We became a non-profit in March of this year but I have not made any money for personal sake. I work elsewhere to support this mission.
5. Why did you choose West Liberty for the location of your business?
I live just outside West Liberty and it is a great town! By working out of my home, it helps keep overhead down.
6. What’s your favorite local area event?
The West Liberty Labor Day Festival at Lions Park because that is when I take stuffed animals and other thrift items to give them all away.
7. Why are you a member of the West Liberty Business Association?
Being outside of town, I felt left out of town happenings. Being a WLBA member, I love being a part of promoting the town that I love!
8. How do you use MyWestLiberty.com?
Love visiting the webpage! Always something new to see and learn. I keep updated on new things going on so I can write stories for the local newspaper.
9. Where are your favorite places to #ShopLocal?
West Liberty is my first stop when shopping. If I can't get it there, I have to look further, but prefer to keep in local!
10. Do you have any upcoming promotions, events, sales or anything else you would like to add?
Yes, Project Teddy Bear & Friends is hosting "The Teddy Bear Walk-A-Thon" on August 13th, 2016, at Lions Club Ball Park. This is to raise money to purchase a much needed storage building (The Teddy Bear Den) to sort and keep donations in until they are given away. We accept donations all year long and will find homes for whatever is donated. There is a drop box on the front porch at 8908 US HWY 68, south of West Liberty in between Liberty Motors and Yoder Construction. Look for the Project Teddy Bear & Friends sign leaning against the tree by the driveway.
Project Teddy Bear & Friends Non-Profit
Owner(s) Name
Rev. Tami Wenger
Phone Number
[email protected]
8908 US Hwy 68 N
West Liberty, Ohio 43357
1. When did Project Teddy Bear & Friends begin?
2. How did you start Project Teddy Bear & Friends?
I was picking out a stuffed animal for my Grandies for Christmas at a thrift store, and I wondered if I could do something similar by giving donated stuffed animals away instead of charging for them.
3. Why did you start Project Teddy Bear & Friends?
To help others by helping them get through a rough time and cheering someone up. It's like giving them a hug! We are changing the world one teddy bear hug at a time!
4. What’s something unique about your organization that others might not know?
We became a non-profit in March of this year but I have not made any money for personal sake. I work elsewhere to support this mission.
5. Why did you choose West Liberty for the location of your business?
I live just outside West Liberty and it is a great town! By working out of my home, it helps keep overhead down.
6. What’s your favorite local area event?
The West Liberty Labor Day Festival at Lions Park because that is when I take stuffed animals and other thrift items to give them all away.
7. Why are you a member of the West Liberty Business Association?
Being outside of town, I felt left out of town happenings. Being a WLBA member, I love being a part of promoting the town that I love!
8. How do you use MyWestLiberty.com?
Love visiting the webpage! Always something new to see and learn. I keep updated on new things going on so I can write stories for the local newspaper.
9. Where are your favorite places to #ShopLocal?
West Liberty is my first stop when shopping. If I can't get it there, I have to look further, but prefer to keep in local!
10. Do you have any upcoming promotions, events, sales or anything else you would like to add?
Yes, Project Teddy Bear & Friends is hosting "The Teddy Bear Walk-A-Thon" on August 13th, 2016, at Lions Club Ball Park. This is to raise money to purchase a much needed storage building (The Teddy Bear Den) to sort and keep donations in until they are given away. We accept donations all year long and will find homes for whatever is donated. There is a drop box on the front porch at 8908 US HWY 68, south of West Liberty in between Liberty Motors and Yoder Construction. Look for the Project Teddy Bear & Friends sign leaning against the tree by the driveway.