West Liberty Business Association January Spotlight - Ohio Caverns
Business Name
Ohio Caverns
Phone Number
[email protected]
2210 State Route 245 E
West Liberty, Ohio 43357
1. When did the business open?
2. How many employees are there?
Approximately 9 year round and 30 seasonal
3. How did the business start?
A 17 year old boy found the cavern in the bottom of a sinkhole!
4. Why did the business start?
To entertain the public while teaching them about the fragility of the underground environment.
5. How did the business get its name?
Originally called "Mt. Tabor Cave", the name Ohio Caverns was chosen when the business was incorporated in the 1920's. It is the largest cavern system in Ohio.
6. What’s something unique about your business that customers might not know?
We are believed to be the oldest tourist attraction in Ohio that is still in operation.
7. Why did you choose West Liberty for the location of your business?
Well, because it's hard to move a cave!
8. What’s your favorite local area event?
The West Liberty Labor Day Festival. It is a great combination of old and new and really brings the community together.
9. Why are you a member of the West Liberty Business Association?
Because we believe that West Liberty has a LOT to offer visitors. The people are wonderful and friendly. The surrounding agricultural areas are pristine.
10. How do you use MyWestLiberty.com?
Mostly to keep up with community events.
11. Where are your favorite places to #ShopLocal?
Maries Candies, Liberty Gathering Place, the Ice Cream Parlor and Uncle Beth's Barbeque are some of our favorites. I guess we "cave people" like to eat!
12. Do you have any upcoming promotions, events, sales or anything else you would like to add?
In addition to our cavern tours and regular activities, we have a unique gift shop. Several locals find creative Christmas gifts here. We would love to see more local shoppers visit our store.
Ohio Caverns
Phone Number
[email protected]
2210 State Route 245 E
West Liberty, Ohio 43357
1. When did the business open?
2. How many employees are there?
Approximately 9 year round and 30 seasonal
3. How did the business start?
A 17 year old boy found the cavern in the bottom of a sinkhole!
4. Why did the business start?
To entertain the public while teaching them about the fragility of the underground environment.
5. How did the business get its name?
Originally called "Mt. Tabor Cave", the name Ohio Caverns was chosen when the business was incorporated in the 1920's. It is the largest cavern system in Ohio.
6. What’s something unique about your business that customers might not know?
We are believed to be the oldest tourist attraction in Ohio that is still in operation.
7. Why did you choose West Liberty for the location of your business?
Well, because it's hard to move a cave!
8. What’s your favorite local area event?
The West Liberty Labor Day Festival. It is a great combination of old and new and really brings the community together.
9. Why are you a member of the West Liberty Business Association?
Because we believe that West Liberty has a LOT to offer visitors. The people are wonderful and friendly. The surrounding agricultural areas are pristine.
10. How do you use MyWestLiberty.com?
Mostly to keep up with community events.
11. Where are your favorite places to #ShopLocal?
Maries Candies, Liberty Gathering Place, the Ice Cream Parlor and Uncle Beth's Barbeque are some of our favorites. I guess we "cave people" like to eat!
12. Do you have any upcoming promotions, events, sales or anything else you would like to add?
In addition to our cavern tours and regular activities, we have a unique gift shop. Several locals find creative Christmas gifts here. We would love to see more local shoppers visit our store.